British artist Kyle Bean shows in it’s latest creation that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but only transformed. The two Honda Fireblades, one complete, one other dismantled in a showcase in Selfridges, London is part of his Conversation of Mass series. The two blades are set up to balance at either end of a set of scales. The artist Kyle Bean, wanted to use something minimalistic but with presence, completely out of context, stylish and compact.
Over the days, shoppers and commuters have been stopped in their tracks by the black and white Fireblade suspended in mid-air. The artist said: “The Fireblade is such an iconic machine worldwide, with Honda also being renowned for their innovation, so this machine and working with Honda was the only way I really wanted to go.”
The performance is based on a simply physics principal
2010 Honda CBR 1000 RR Fireblade Specifications and Photos