BMW has revealed the updated C650 Sport and C650 GT models for the next model year two days ago. One of the most important new features of the model is the Side View Assist, the first of its kind in the motorcycle industry. This new option for the C 650 GT supports the rider when changing lane, for instance, by monitoring the blind spot. BMW has now released a video showing how the system works.

The BMW Side View Assist has four sensors
The C 650 GT is equipped with four sensors, two at the front and two at the rear of the motorcycle. When another vehicle is detected by the sensors, a yellow triangle on the mirror on the corresponding side of the vehicle is illuminated. In case the rider is still unaware and attempts to signal a lane change anyway, the system will then flash the triangle repeated to alert the rider.
The sensors have a range of about 5 meters (16.4 ft). Side View Assist works at speeds between 25 and 80 km/h, and it activates and deactivates itself automatic. The Side View Assist is optiional but BMW has yet to announce the price tag of this safety feature.
See this BMW Genuine Pin C650GT
Source: Youtube