Basic Information

First Name Eddie
Last Name Hodges
Birthdate January 29 1957 (68 years old)
Gender Male
Relationship Widow

Motorcycle information

What types of motorcycle do you like? Cafe Racer, Cross, Production racer, Show Bike, Supersport
Who are you on the road? Skilled rider
What was the most interesting tour you have ever had? Started in West Virginia,went east to atlintic ocean,headed south to florida and ended up in san diego cal. then back home. The best and worst of rides.
How often do you use your motorcycle? Hobby
How many years of driving experience do you have? 38 years
What is your favorite brand of motorcycle? Triumph
What is your favorite motorcycle? 59 Bonnie
Do you have a motorcycle driver license? Yes I have

Contact information

Phone 304-634-7254


About me I live with my dog Buster in a small town in West Virginia. I work to support my hobbies and have fun.
Activities Motorcycles track days and sport riding. Scuba diving and just being outdoors
Favorite books That was then this is now (the only book I've read cover to cover)
Favorite movies the burbs, pirates of the carib., old science fiction
Favorite TV shows eureka,the office
Favorite music southern rock,
Quotes God created stupid people to make normal people feel smart.
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