Basic Information

First Name Nathan
Last Name Hershberger
Birthdate February 14 1979 (46 years old)
Gender Male
Relationship Single

Motorcycle information

What types of motorcycle do you like? All-rounder, Chopper, Classic bike, Cruiser, Custom bike, Streetfighter, Naked, Sports Touring, Supersport, Touring, Trike
Who are you on the road? Born to be wild
How often do you use your motorcycle? All time
How many years of driving experience do you have? 5
Do you have a motorcycle driver license? Yes I have


Favorite books Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Favorite movies Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Favorite TV shows Doctor Who, Breaking Bad
Favorite music Masticated Entrails, Northeast Ohio Music Scene, HateDriven, Necrophagist, BEHEMOTH!, The Monkey Farm, Brimstone Coven, PAIN (Masticated Entrails), hells fire sinners, Broken Things, Custom and Vintage Drum Venue, Black Plastic Caskets, Disobey, Entropy, Soulsick, Liquid Filth, Skinless, Behemoth, Mayhem, Necrophagist, Opeth, Dark Funeral, The Misfits, Arsis, MOBILE DEATHCAMP, The Bastard Fairies